About Us

What is the KITT?

The Kettering Institute for Teacher Training (KITT) is an organization that prepares experienced respiratory therapist, radiologic technologist or nurse to become high-quality professional educators.

How does The KITT accomplish its mission?

KITT uses both face-to-face and online learning strategies to develop well-trained educators.

Why was KITT established?

The future of respiratory care, radiologic technology and nursing needs well-trained students.

Well-trained students need top-quality education.

Top-quality education needs well-trained educators.

Meet Your Instructor...

Lanette Shockey, MBA, RRT, RPFT, RRT-NPS, RRT-ACCS, AE-C

Lanette earned her Associate of Science degree in Respiratory Care from the University of Pittsburgh in 1991. She stayed one more year to complete a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health-Related Professions with an emphasis in management. Her career started in her hometown hospital of Lewistown, PA as a 3-11PM supervisor. Early in her career, adult experience was gained, but it rapidly branched into respiratory care of all ages of patients. In 2000, she earned a Master’s Degree in Management from Frostburg State University in Maryland.

After moving to Maryland in 2000, Lanette worked at Sinai Medical Center and gained valuable experience in adult trauma and critical care. Her career continued to grow and expand at several other Maryland-based hospitals and companies. During this time, she developed skills in marketing, and home-based respiratory care. Eventually, she ended up at Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital in Baltimore, MD as the Director of Respiratory Care and Laboratory Services and worked there until she found her true passion in teaching.

In 2020, Lanette started working for Frederick Community College in Frederick, MD as a Director of Respiratory Clinical Education. Within a year, she was doing the role of the Respiratory Program Director. Part of the experience gained in these roles was understanding educational needs and student differences in learning methods and techniques. She also gained valuable insight into how educational systems prepare students for entry into the Respiratory Care profession.

In 2024, Lanette started working as an instructor for Kettering National Seminars. Within 2 months of starting with the company, she accepted a full-time position and has been enjoying helping students, across the country, be better prepared for successfully taking the Board exams.

In her spare time, Lanette enjoys boating, bicycling, swimming, and doing anything outdoors.

Meet the Director...

Allan Dunphy, M.Ed, RRT, RRT-NPS, CPFT

Allan earned his AS in Respiratory Therapy from Piedmont Technical College in 1993. He gained valuable experience in patient care, working in adult, pediatric, and newborn units. In 1998, Allan was appointed as the Assistant Director for Respiratory at McLeod Health's Children's Hospital, and the McLeod Health Neonatal Pediatric Transport program. Three years later, he was promoted to Director of Electroneurodiagnostics, Vascular Ultrasound, and Sleep Labs. While in that capacity, in 2005, he played a significant leadership role in establishing South Carolina's first Electroneurodiagnostics and Sleep (END) program with the Florence Darlington Technical College.

In 2006, Allan began teaching respiratory therapy at Florence Darlington Technical College, where he was Director of Clinical Education and Program Chair. He also earned a BA degree from Thomas Edison State University in 2001, University of South Carolina Graduate Certificate Graduate Certificate in Higher Educational Leadership in 2010. In 2011, he received recognition as the South Carolina Professor of the Year. Allan served as the Director of Clinical Education and Program Director for 12 years.

In 2019, Allan joined Newberry College as a full-time BSRT program associate professor and while teaching, he earned a Master's in Education from Liberty University, and began working as a part-time instructor for Kettering National Seminars. In 2022, he accepted the full-time Kettering National Seminars Instructor position. A year later, in 2023, Allan became the Respiratory Director for Kettering National Seminars. In 2024, he was appointed Director of The Kettering Institute for Teacher Training in Dayton, Ohio.

KITT was established to produce well-trained educators for the future!